Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fairy Tale that never happened

I once believed in fairytales.  that I'd be finding my prince and that magic will help us get through together.  these things were the  only things that mattered during those times.  I haven’t had the slightest idea that villains are part of life too.  I was put under the impression that life as easy as defeating the evil villains and then life will be a happy ever after.  But today, it dawned on me that I have been trying to defeat one evil villain after the another, but my prince hasn’t come yet nor do magic’s came for assistance.  where have they been? abandoning me on this endless fights with evil villains of all kinds.  am in destined to fight until the end? have I been lost in a story of war and not in a fairy tale world? if so, how do I cross that world? that world where evil villains must end and prince shows up and magic feels the air with happiness. I suppose one of you who stumble on this could help me find the answer to this longing princess of happily ever after....